“LATE!” The word echoes in my mind, the vibrations from it’s speaker’s voice rippling through the room. The faces around me are rigid with fear.
“So-Sorry…” I stammer, completely cowed by the large figure in front of me. I had spent thirty minutes walking around the school, you know what happened! But I even though I am late, this…teacher evidently has to grill me about it until I die! Aren’t teachers supposed to give good advice, be helpful and friendly?!
Ugh. Can’t that guy just help me enjoy my first day at school? Nevertheless, I still have to be nice to this person. I need to ‘make a good impression’, remember?
“I’m so sorry, but I’m new here, and I couldn’t find the right room.” I lie, as cooly and indifferently than if he had not said anything. I am determined not to be daunted by this aggravating pig. I stalk off to an empty seat while the invigilator seems to be trying to kill me with his eyes. Oh well. I try not to smirk and manage to keep a serious face while looking at him.
Ha. That’s what you get for being so mean to people! I think, somehow managing not to say it in his face. People of Savant Academy, watch out! I’m just like the rest of you, and don’t you dare treat me like a misfit!
Okay. Anyway, the examination is starting. No time for thinking about nasty teachers now! I take a deep breath and start my work with immense concentration. I so will not fail this test!
Dear Diary, I just had my placement test. Do you know how annoying that invigilator is?! He scolded me for being late! Excuse me? This is the first time I've ever set foot in here. Naturally, I need some time to find that room. Anyway, as i have already told you (or did I? I forgot.), I need to get good marks for this! But now, the thing I need to concentrate on is getting through my class. I don't have a real class yet, so they put me temporarily into a classroom for new students. Apparently, all we do is learn more about the school and the rules and everything, blah blah blah. The thing is, today is not going to be all that boring. From the timetable I received, it seems that I have two periods dedicated to exploring the school! By ourselves! They actually let us do that?! Okay. Enough with my classes. Let's talk food! I just found out the cafeteria here is super posh. They even have gourmet food! And don't forget, you can even reserve seats! How cool is that! Oops! I think somebody's trying to do something...be right back!
“Ugh, who are you?! And, I just wanna say, why are you sitting in my seat?! You know I reserved this, right?! Can you see this sign?” A voice says with annoyance and I look up. A boy is pointing at the ‘RESERVED’ sign on the table with a frown on his face. At least three others are behind him, frowning at me too.
“Um…” I try, sounding like a total idiot. “I-I’m th-thorry…I didn’t th-thee…”
Oh, why does that dreadful lisp have to come now? I immediately get up and start to walk away.
“What do you mean, ‘I-I-didn’t th-thee’? What are you, a baby? Also, don’t you think you should get another pair of eyes to see for your old one?” He says with a smirk on his face. The others burst into mocking laughter.
“Oh, yeah? Well, if you have nothing better to do than humiliate people, then go get a life!” I walk away, wondering why I ever did that. What was wrong with me? I want to apologise, but after a few words I feel like everything I said was worth it.
“Really? Did I ask for your opinion?” I hear and laughter rings in my ears. Grrrr! I clench my fists and walk away. I might be an idiot, but at least I know when to stop, unlike those childish boys!
I plonk myself down on another table (before checking if it had any ‘RESERVED’ sign) and eat the yoghurt bar I have brought, my face red with anger. Those stupid jerks!
I shake my head and try to let it go. There is no use getting riled up over something that you can’t even do anything about, I think, and soon my anger fades.
RINGGGGG! A bell interups my thoughts. Time for class! I really hope the people in that class are not jerks!